work with me

if you’re struggling with chronic symptoms and want to take a holistic approach to improving your overall health and wellness you’re in the right place!

Right now, you may feel like you have put your health on the back burner for too long. So many of us are guilty of not giving ourselves the attention we need due to putting others first or lack of time. I know I did, I spent my entire teens and early twenties ignoring things like gut issues, sleep problems, constant illness, and skin issues. The problem with this is you may neglect a certain symptom or feeling for too long, to the point where it turns into a bigger issue. Whether you’re dealing with smaller symptoms or a bigger issue, i’m here to help!

You should never feel like…

  • You’re barely getting through the day, and/or relying on caffeine to help you make it through.

  • Your painful and heavy periods are normal. They’re absolutely not normal.

  • You can’t make it through the day without a mid-day nap.

  • Your skin “randomly” breaks out with no root cause or understanding of why.

  • Your stomach is against you with constant bloating, pains, and problems going to the bathroom.

  • You’re crazy for wanting an answer, or all of your lab tests keep returning “normal.”

  • Abnormal weight gain, hair loss, trouble sleeping, and constant stress is normal.


1-on-1 coaching

  • one on one coaching is perfect for the individual who is dealing with chronic symptoms. together, we will meet weekly to implement changes and work together to have you feeling your best again!

  • we meet weekly for 45 minutes

nutrition consulting

  • if you’re looking for nutrition help, this is for you! with nutrition consulting we will work together to come up with a nutrition plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

  • we meet bi-weekly for 45 minutes.

functional testing

  • if you’re just looking for a functional lab test, this is for you! this package includes one functional lab test + a 45 minute meeting to review

  • once to go over the results.